Everybody needs good neighbours
Last Sunday, after much partying and foolishness the night before, Amy, Mel and I braved through our hangovers and traveled all the way to Parramatta Westfield to see some of the stars of Neighbours. As I'm sure anyone who knows me would guess we were running late, about an hour and a half late in fact, so when we arrived we were pretty sure we'd missed them. However, after talking to the concierge and we very pleased to hear they were still in the building.
Neighbours is a bit of a guilty pleasure of my so I was quite surprised to see just how many fans there are out there. We were waiting in the line for just over an hour before it was finally our turn to "meet" them. We were in the presence of two stars, a very new character and a veteran. I know that they are real people but it's so much easier to write about them referring to them as there characters so that's what I'll do. Ringo was there, one of the newest characters (I don't really know anything about him) and the highlight of the day Paul Robinson! He even agreed to pretend to be a highly enthused Japanese tourist with us in the photo!!!
Not the most sophisticated day but lots and lots of fun and a great way to kill a lazy hungover Sunday.
I'm back in Sydney now, and even back to working already. I thought it would be the best thing to do so as not to have too much time to sit around doing nothing and missing my lives in Paris and Canada. I don't think this was necessarily a bad idea but I have realised that nothing can really make me stop missing them and now I'm just exhausted by work at the same time. Oh well, I am happy to be back I guess it will just take a while to get used to it.
To give a brief update, the rest of my time in Canada was amazing!!! Highlights of my time there include:- spending almost every waking moment hanging out with Anthony
- catching up with everyone (Anth, Lacey, Sunita, Tim, Jamie, Michelle, Andre, Jenna and everyone else)
- meeting new friends making it even harder to leave but great to know I still really have a life in Canada
- going to Tim's cottage for the weekend, without doubt one of the most relaxing weekends of my life
- Barrymore's, Helsinki and all the other bars in Ottawa
Going back made me remember that I have not one, not two but three home town.
I've got photos from Tim's cottage on Facebook or if you've been living under a rock for the last 6 months and don't have Facebook you can just click here.
After a sad goodbye in Ottawa, Michelle, Josée and I jumped on a plane to the craziness and most surreal place on earth Las Vegas. I don't even know what to say about Vegas really... it's Disneyland for adults! Once again too lazy to write a paragraph so here's another highlights list:- the greatest roller coaster I've ever been on at the New York New York hotel.
- Celine, Josée and Pascale you converted me
- "O" by Cirque de Soleil
- clubbing at Pure nightclub and the burlesque show at the Pussycat Dolls Lounge
- our hotel was shaped like a giant pyramid
- I got to go of another summer vacation with Michelle!!!
Once again for photos Facebook or here and here.
The final stop on my voyage was seeing my cousins in LA. It was the PERFECT way to end my trip, I had the best time. Playing with Max and Quinn all day and hanging out with Genitrix and Ghilhaine in the evening, not to mention everyone else. I only wish I could have had more time there. I'm definitely going to take them up on there offer of visiting again for longer.
I was debating whether or not to stop updating my blog now that I'm back but I decided that I'm going to keep it going; living in Sydney is an adventure too!!!