Friday, 17 November 2006

Highlights from Ireland

  • All signs, newspapers, announcements, ads, instructions etc being in English, and everyone speaking English - I did actually miss French but it was so nice not having to think before speaking and being able to express yourself fully and have proper conversations with anyone you wanted.
  • Fish'n'chips and proper full breakfast everyday with bacon, eggs, hashbrown, sausage, baked beans, toast and scones. If they'd had vegemite it would have been home.
  • The Cliffs of Moher!! They are so spectacular!!!! And as you can see from the photos below we sat right on the edge.
  • Beer - Ales, stouts and lagers.
  • Dancing with the locals to Irish music in a pub in Galway.
  • All the castles, there are SO many castles in Ireland!
  • All the random locals we met and chatted to. Everyone had a story to tell, whether it be about the history of Dublin or how much they love Home & Away.
  • Seeing live stand-up comedy in Dublin, even though we only got about 60% of the jokes.
  • Watching Australia slaughter Ireland in the International Rules Football match.
  • Finally buying a pair of boots.
  • Buying a pair of gloves for only 75 cents, they're not the most attractive gloves but they got the job done.
  • Going crazy on the last night with the girls on the df*

*df = dancefloor (but shame on you if you didn't know that!!!)


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